Crisis: Is it all part of a plan...?
"Sooner or later you have to ask yourself how you got into this predicament and I’ve come to the conclusion that it was all part of a plan, a plan that took a century to play out and cut far deeper than anyone ever could have imagined. To say it was sinister is an understatement. How do you set out to steal the wealth of an entire nation, and not just any nation, but the richest most powerful nation in the world? America was founded by a group of men who were the Socrates of their generation; men of wealth and position who rejected the threats and orders of their leaders because the leaders were fundamentally flawed. So they rebelled, and they won. The republic they formed was not perfect, but it was better than any that had come before. The foundation they laid allowed the United States to become the richest and most powerful nation in the world within a very short time of 137 years, and it did so with a relatively small government, no central bank, and no income tax. It also led to the formation of the largest middle class the world has ever seen, and it was a middle class that was educated.
By 1913 the US possessed the finest public school system in the world, from kindergarten to university, and it helped produce the Ford’s, Edison’s, and Wright brother’s that turned the world on its ear. Life in the US was difficult but it offered benefits and the promise of something better. That’s what caused hundreds of thousands of people to immigrate to the US from 1875 to 1915 as the word spread about America. Great minds who sought freedom of thought came to the US and made great contributions. By comparison the United States now imports Jamaican gangs and Mexican drug dealers, and all the corruption that comes with it.
Did you know that the drug dealers pay out millions of dollars a year to lobbyists in order to ensure that the US never legalizes drugs! They are illegal, pay no taxes, corrupt our system, make no contribution what-so-ever, and yet they have more influence on Congress than you or I do. Is that a great country or what?
Although I can’t prove it, I believe that once the Fed and income tax were implemented in 1913, someone sat down and decided that a nation of thinkers was no longer desirable because they would be too hard to control. Instead what was needed was a nation of mules needed to pull the cart of civilization. Until the early part of the 1900’s the purpose of education was derived from the Latin word educo, meaning to draw out from within. Slowly that began to change and was replaced by a giant babysitting service that produced a slave mentality enhanced by years carrot-and-whip grading. Original thought was frowned upon. You read a book or listened to a lecture and then vomited that back onto a piece of paper, and the best grade went to the student with the best memory. No thinking required. To ensure the illusion of education, quotas were introduced requiring degrees to become mandatory. In order to distract the masses so they wouldn’t know what they were missing, television was introduced with an almost infinite amount of channels. Sports became the end all for many so you could live vicariously through your team. Then came the X-boxes and the video games; all designed to dumb down the masses. Caesar threw bread to the masses at the Coliseum, giving them blood sport and just enough sustenance so they wouldn’t notice the Empire crumble around them.
In order to control an uneducated mass you need a big bureaucracy and that’s why government has expanded so much in the US over the last thirty years. Don’t ever think that Big Brother is there to protect you, Big Brother is there to control you, and if he can’t control you he will suppress you. If you resist he will use “extreme prejudice”. He will try to scare you into submission by telling you that your security is in jeopardy, thereby convincing you to give up little bits and pieces of the freedom that so many Americans fought and died for 200 years ago. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jefferson, Franklin, Adams and Madison were rolling over in their respective graves as they see what we’ve done with their work. The US Constitution has been so disemboweled that what passes for the law of the land today would be unrecognizable to them, and therein lays the problem. How are you going to take back what you threw away? This question goes beyond markets and money, and involves your basic freedom. As things get worse in the US people are going to become upset, they’ll want to assign blame while those in charge will not want to relinquish their grip on power. Conflict will result as the courts will not recognize your rights under the US Constitution. That as I see it is where we are headed and we are now so far down that road that there is no turning back."
Labels: economic crisis, financial crisis, money