Oikonomika Blog
* In Aurum Securitas *
Modern economics is not rocket science.
In fact, it's not science at all. It's a game, a confidence game.
Once paper passed for money, economics became an elaborate
shell game designed to hide the fact paper had been substituted for silver and gold.
The shell game is called "Where's The Money?"...
The answer is simple, it's not there.
Dec 31, 2015
Dec 26, 2015
An Urgent Christmas Message...
ΤΑΔΕ ΕΦΗ Chrysotheras (POSTED BY CHRYSOTHERAS) ΣΤΙΣ (ON)12/26/2015 04:48:00 PM
- End Game industrial Silver supply panic may have j...
- O governo irá cair - e todo o nosso exótico folclo...
- The Future of Direct Taxation
- Jim Rogers 'Everything is going to get smashed'
- Entire World Wants Gold
- Will Mideast Allies Drag Us Into War?
- People Choose Free Candy Bar over Free 10 oz Silve...
- Greece Illustrates 150 Years of Socialist Failure ...
- An Urgent Christmas Message...
- Jim Sinclair¨"Silver Will Be Gold On Steroids In C...
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check out the gold bug swickiΑΠΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ ΕΥΘΥΝΗΣ
Τα κείμενα που παρουσιάζω είναι σημαντικά κατά την δική μου άποψη, και αποτελούν εν δυνάμει εργαλεία επενδυτικών αποφάσεων.Δεν αποτελούν όμως σε καμμία περίπτωση προτροπή αγοράς ή πώλησης συγκεκριμένων μετοχών, εμπορευμάτων ή άλλων επενδυτικών προϊόντων, είναι όμως διδακτικά θέματα γιά μελέτη και (κυρίως) προβληματισμό.
These posts are potential investment tools in my opinion.They are NOT INTENDED to be used in any way as BUY or SELL recommendations for STOCKS or COMMODITIES, but are solely for AMUSEMENT and INFORMATION purposes and as basic ingredient of FOOD FOR THOUGHT!
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Chrys Aureus(alias Chrysotheras)

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- Financial Crisis
- CFD trading can be profitable when used judiciously. Considered speculative by some, risk can be minimized with a well placed stop-loss. As with any investment tool, research is key.
- Δελτίο Τιμών Χρυσού της Τ.Ε.
- Οικονομικά Νέα (News)
- Financial Sense On Line
- Safe Haven
- The PrudentBear
- Gold-Eagle
- Gold Avenue Encyclopaedia
- Honest Money Report


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Gold price chart by BullionVault.com
Click for live Gold prices!- Uranium Spot in US$/Lb.


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Blogger’s Personal Note: I’ve been interested in precious metals since 2002 (just after the gold bottom -a.k.a. "Brown Bottom"- around $290/oz.) and I’m really glad I did. Getting to know this subject in depth has been almost like working on a PhD in my spare time.
Funny thing is that when I initially started blogging about gold-as-money it was intended to alert my fellow Greeks on the worldwide fiat money scam and introduce the notion of gold (and silver) as THE only real money as it has always been for millenia - until recently.
So I began translating important articles on this subject from English into Greek, but the burden was immense and my free time scarce, so I said: what the heck I’ll just post the right stuff “as it is” and hope Greek speaking readers can deal with it.
And so it has been since late 2006. Judging from my daily stats report this blog still receives 50% of its hits from Greece, 30% comes from US and the rest from all over the world (even P.D.R. of China) Therefore, it’s just as well it’s not in greek language anymore (almost), because I can access a much wider audience. Only constraint is …time! I need countless hours to be able to keep up with all the daily material!
All I can say at this point is: Thank God for the Internet.
It has transformed the whole process of information dissemination!
P.S. eventually I decided to maintain a Greek language Oikonomika blog for the benefit of the Hellenic community world wide. It can be accessed HERE
Funny thing is that when I initially started blogging about gold-as-money it was intended to alert my fellow Greeks on the worldwide fiat money scam and introduce the notion of gold (and silver) as THE only real money as it has always been for millenia - until recently.
So I began translating important articles on this subject from English into Greek, but the burden was immense and my free time scarce, so I said: what the heck I’ll just post the right stuff “as it is” and hope Greek speaking readers can deal with it.
And so it has been since late 2006. Judging from my daily stats report this blog still receives 50% of its hits from Greece, 30% comes from US and the rest from all over the world (even P.D.R. of China) Therefore, it’s just as well it’s not in greek language anymore (almost), because I can access a much wider audience. Only constraint is …time! I need countless hours to be able to keep up with all the daily material!
All I can say at this point is: Thank God for the Internet.
It has transformed the whole process of information dissemination!
P.S. eventually I decided to maintain a Greek language Oikonomika blog for the benefit of the Hellenic community world wide. It can be accessed HERE
"Watch money. Money is the barometer of a society's virtue. When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion---when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing---when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors---when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you---when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice---you may know that your society is doomed."